Delhi Vs Mumbai

Its been a long break from blogging ... moving from Mumbai was such a pleasant change that I got busy having fun.. :)
Mansoon is here to beat the heat out from here ... in Mumbai life was static .... people keep moving but life remains the same ... wahee local ke first class mein question mark ki tarah ek taang per khade ho kar travel karna .. Mumbai sucks big time... if u manage to stay in south mumbai u r lucky or else life is waste ... spending half of ur life standing on one leg in local....
Delhi is spacious .. room for everyone for everyone .. u dont have to breathe somebody's sweat for one hour to move from one place to another.... aaaaaarghhh
But then people of Mumbai are much more disciplined and organised than the nonsensical people in Delhi mostly from the nearby states.. .. oooh I am one of them too but quite literate to be disciplined :) and then the language the people speak here.... each sentence starting with maa*** having a few ben*** and ending with maa*** again .... and they hardly know they are uttering the words that can be abusive ... thats how they have grown up... again most of these people are from nearby states ..
traffic sense of ppl in Mumbai is much better ... sorry much much much better than ppl here ... and the reason is that most of the poople in Mumbai are service class and so literate while here in Delhi most of them are business man ... and their kids :P .. equally illetrate
So .... out of the two cities I would give Delhi an upperhand .. there are all sort of ppl here ... panjabi, bihari, haryanavi, south indians ... unlike Mumbai the city is open for everyone ..
bas yaar its too late .. will blog more soon ..... hopefully :)