And i kept talking to myself .........

It doesnt happen everyday .... infact there is no reason for selecting any day for it ... it happens and it just happens
.... i sit in front of my laptop but dont feel like working ,i go to bed but dont feel like sleeping ... lights are off in the corridor . lights are off in my room ... but still something is bothering me . not letting me sleep. Fan is running singing its own song but still i can hear the clock ticking ..... the clock that has been dead since past three days. I turn left i turn right but find myself incapable to search for sleep ... and then i start talking ... talking to myself ..
what have i been doing all through my life . All those clips stored in my mind start to roll . I see myself riding bicycle to school, playing cricket with the wood of class chairs , having food with friends in recess ,staring at girls , following my first crush, throwing stones at streetlight, getting caught for climbing up club roof, going for tution, delivering speech as the principle on teachers day, going to mussorie on trip ... i cant help but smile ... the smile that gets wider and wider as the thoughts come and pass ... thinking of the day when my mom entered the room crying and told my father that i have cleared IIT , the way people reacted , the way friends reacted ... the truth that i leant that none of your friend is happy when you are .. the truth that has put a stop on my smile as i think ..of the day i got a job , the way we celebrated , the new friends that became a part of my life to be lost later .... but thats not what was bothering me ..
every coin has two faces .... as i keep talking to myself all the skeletons start coming out of the closet.. the feelings that you get from your bad experiences ...these are the feelings that have been bleeding my heart, the feelings that i have
to keep to myself till grave ot till i find someone trustworthy enough to share , the feelings that you can not share with your parents or your hi hello friends, the feelings that i can not write here ... the feelings that i dont know if they
actually are a secret ..... but they make me talk. talk to myself ... i feel like a rose , people appreciate its beauty, its color , its smell but they simply ignore the thorns ...sometimes i talk to myself
PS: repeated ???? yeah cause i still am talking to myself ....
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
"then i start talking ... talking to myself" ... Aren't we always the best company for ourselves? Or are we? /:-)
"the truth that i leant that none of your friend is happy when you are" ... a few bad experiences and you base a theory on them? Friendship is a badge of honour - be careful to bestow it and trust your heart. :-)
"every coin has two faces" .. Isn't it also because we have the faculty of three dimensions? A step ahead ... eh? :-D
"the feelings that i have to keep to myself till grave" ... so certain of a grave already? Haven't you heard that Hindus are cremated? :-))
"but they simply ignore the thorns" ... "The greatest obstacle to anything is the secret fear of being unworthy of it" - Hawthorne? (I don't know)
And I am sincerely sorry if my mails were the cause of such a sad blog. Though I don't know why it should be so, especially when I risked more.
All the best! and Take care.
PS: A good habit - introspection (and a post script) :-)
At 6:28 PM,
Amit Gaur said…
i must clarify ...its not because of a particular incident or a particular person ..... its because of a series of incidents called life ... i think everyone has a day when he/she talks to himself/herself ..... i just expressed it while they dont .... we all have skeletons hidden inside our closet ... but we never tell about it to anyone ...
At 11:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
wokays :-) ... then I take my words back :D
At 2:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
U know, long time ago I also used to go thru the same kind of experiences that u had gone thru. I also used to feel scared about sharing them with anyone. To make a case of "sour grapes", I pacified myself by saying that maybe my issues aren't issues at all. I myself am making a mountain out of a mole-hole. ... But after becoming a Koziaan, I realised that I was so wrong. Whatever I had thought of as small issues had infact accumulated an over a period of time became the reason of my mental degradation. Thankfully, right at this point of time I met some people who were willing to help me out. They talked to me and I started letting out my feelings in the forms of blogs and diaries. But u know... a certain hesitance still remains to speak out loud. There are still moments when I am really confused as whether I should be saying about some things. For instance, I really don't know whether I should put down my name when I am leaving this comment on ur blog...
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey all the friends are not like "hi hello friends", u must be having some good friends, then just hold on to them and be good friends with everyone who comes along in ur life...
thats wat i too do, but i have never lost my faith in friendship :)
so u too should not, try harder than u have ever done, coz there is nothing like a good friend :P
u r too young and intelligent to be talking in such depressed tone...
take care :)
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